Friday, December 24, 2010

About the girls- Eliana

Hi I am Eliana, I am the Just Cuz asst.manager, Annaliese (manager) Erin (president). What I like in school the most is math, and in math I like doing regrouping! I am the youngest cousin. One thing I like doing when I visit Erin is take bubble baths,swim but sometimes we can't because it is snowing! I love doing Just Cuz because it makes me feel good, but last time we  got 140 and this year I really think we are going to get more because we have hot cocoa and for me I think that is better than bracelets and bookmarks. I love being here because its fun and because we do Just Cuz. I love my cousin and sister, and I like how we made up a tradition that every time we come we have to get fake nails! and that is pretty much all about me.

        I have to get ready for Christmas Eve. Thank you for reading!

About the girls- Erin

Hi it's Erin, and i am the president of Just Cuz! I am the cousin to the Manager (Annaliese) and the Asst. Manager (Eliana). I just turned 12 in November and i am in 6th grade. In school I really enjoy reading, writing, and doing science. Math is okay but i don't really like history/social studies. I also really like going to P.E and art.   After school i normally go right to homework. I usually have some sort of reading, a page or two of math and maybe some social studies if we don't finish in class. After homework, I like to practice saxophone, practice field hockey, practice piano, and watch TV, check email and go on  my blog. I also have Boston Terrier named Ruthie, and she is sooo cute. I love her so much! One of my favorite things to do is Just Cuz! 

The name Just Cuz was made over video chat when i suggested it. We call it Just Cuz because we do it "just because we want to" and because we are all "CUZins" Once we heard it, it stuck and now we are just cuz!

I am going to go and finish wrapping presents, and go shopping with Annaliese and Eliana! 

have a nice Christmas! Thanks for reading!

About the girls- Annaliese

Hi! It's Annaliese! I'm a sister to the Asst. Manager (Eliana) and a cousin to the president (Erin). I'm 9 years old and I'm going to be 10 in March. I'm in 4th grade and I love to read, write, and of course do Just Cuz! My favorite subject is math and I don't really like social studies. When I come home from school I like to take a little break while I watch some TV or play on the computer. After that I do my homework. Everyday I have to read 20 minutes and most of the time I have a reading log. It's where I write down a little summary of what I read. On the weekend or anytime I have a break I like to draw, write stories, read, go to the playground, and while I'm visiting Erin I like to play in the snow. And of course do Just Cuz! I don't have any pets but I REALLY want a dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to have a fish but you can't do anything with a fish. 

Well, I should go get ready for Christmas!!!!!!! Thanks for reading!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Welcome to the just cuz blog!!!

Dear Readers,
We are JUST CUZ! In our organization we sell homemade things and donate the money to charity. We (Annaliese, Eliana, and Erin) do it every year, and it is so fun! We all have different jobs. Erin is the president, Annaliese is the manager, and Eliana is the Asst. manager. But we all go and sell the items to people around the neighborhood together. It started in the summer of 2008. We sold handmade bracelets and earned $140.00 to donate to the Ronald McDonald house. Last year (2009) we made handmade bookmarks. Since it was a very cold day and it was around the holidays we only got to earn $50.00 and we used it for the Relay For Life. This year we are in the midst of making lots of packets of homemade hot cocoa. We have three flavors: Polly Penguins Peppy Peppermint, Vixen's Very Vanilla, Sally Seals cinnamon cocoa, and Dashers Double Chocolate cocoa. We have tried them all and they are sooo good. We have been selling them for $1.50 and have already earned $24.00. But we hope that by next week we will have lots to donate to the Vermont Children's Hospital. We had someone take it to the bank and set it where there was a big staff meeting.  That's how we earned the $24.00. But after Christmas we're going to sell hot cocoa ourselves to people in the neighborhood (Erin's neighborhood.  Annaliese and Eliana live in Arizona and when they come we do Just Cuz.) We are so excited to earn more money to donate. It feels really good to give back to the community.
feel free to email us and ask any questions at